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long-term assets中文是什么意思

用"long-term assets"造句"long-term assets"怎么读"long-term assets" in a sentence


  • 长期资产


  • Long - term assets are classified into tangible assets and intangible assets
  • Other long - term assets
  • Long - term assets are characterized by highly economic values , physical and nonphysical substance , useful life of more than one accounting period
  • Also , the desire of pension - fund managers to buy long - term assets to match their payout commitments has led them into most parts of the credit market
  • Operating activities create revenues and expenses ; investing activities affect long - term assets ; financing activities obtain the cash needed to launch and sustain the . business
  • Operating activities create revenues and expenses ; investing activities affect long - term assets ; and financing activities obtain the cash needed to launch and sustain the business
  • The government subsidies pertinent to assets mean the government assets that are obtained by enterprises used for purchase or construction , or forming the long - term assets by other ways
  • Later , cashman stated that the two pitchers are dissimilar , saying , " he ' s not matsuzaka , " and noting that igawa should be projected as more of a long - term asset - - hence the five - year contract
    稍晚,现金男指出了这两位投手不同之处, "他不是松坂大辅" ,而且井川庆不应该不应该因为五年的合约而被期望的过高。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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